

Craft Selling Tips

Craft Selling Tips 

Do you want to find out how to sell more handmade crafts on the internet?

List your handmade gifts and crafts on MyOwnCreation and follow these simple selling tips to boost your chances of making a sale. This is the perfect place for all artists, craftsmen and sculptors to list homemade art and craft for sale, quickly and cheaply.

heartAlways add a good quality photograph.
Take the best quality digital photograph that you can but any photo is better than none at all. There is little point in listing your handmade gift without photograph.

heartTake care with the description.
Really try to 'sell' your item by making the description as catchy and appealing as you can. Avoid descriptions that are too short or too long.

heartPick a good price. 
Only you can judge the correct price but as a guide you could do a search for similar items and see what they are doing. Don't forget that P&P must be INCLUDED in your price. 

Treat MyOwnCreation like its your own website.
List as many handmade items as you can. You don't have to do them all at once so you can list them 1 or 2 a day. If customers want to see your items together they can do a search on your name.

heartDouble check your details.
You will be surprised just how many people use incorrect email addresses!

heartCheck you email SPAM filter. 
You will lose sales if emails don't get through because your filter does not allow emails from MyOwnCreation and the buyers it attracts.

heartBookmark your handmade gifts.
Bookmarking your handmade gifts on sites like Facebook and Digg can really boost your chances of selling by spreading the word. And its free! Look for the logos on each item page.

heartMake your listing stand out from the rest.
Use an optional such as 'bold listing', 'featured item' or additional photographs (good for sculpture, wood and metal art) to help your item stand out from the rest.

heartUse our FREE marketing prints.
Just print the ones you most like on your own printer and hand them out. Click HERE to see what prints are available.

heartKeep trying! 
Selling anything is hard work! MyOwnCreation is a tool that you can use for free but that's not the whole answer. If it's not selling then try again but perhaps a change of description or price might do it. Check the hits/clicks ration for each item.

heartKeep your listing up to date.
Log into your item account and amend details often. i.e. if the price has changed or if the item is sold. Delete out of date items.

heartLook for us on search engines.
Use Google, Yahoo and Bing to search for 'handmade gifts', 'handmade jewellery' or 'handmade greeting cards'. These phrases will rise to the top of the index and in turn will help you.

heartSupport other members.
If you have a special occasion in the family coming up, have a look on MyOwnCreation to see if there is a card or gift that fits the bill.

heartHelp us to help you.
Our revenue comes from adverts and extras so please help us by using our advertisers whenever you can. Thank you. 

Credit http://www.myowncreation.co.uk/